March 26, 2009

Chicago Booth MBA Waitlist

Rose Martinelli, director of admissions and financial aid at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, gave the impression of Chicago Booth waitlist, in the post on her blog. She said that Chicago Booth uses the waitlist to gauge the flow of decisions, view the next round's applicant pool and size the class appropriately.

"While we have a great deal of history in understanding patterns for students accepting our offers of admission, we feel that with the current economic challenges that those trends may not hold true this year. The waitlist is a very good place to be -- and we believe you are a good fit/match for Booth. So this process is not about gauging your interest in Chicago Booth. I would encourage each of you who have been waitlisted to follow our instructions. Feel free to send us updates as you deem appropriate and send them to our general admissions address: Remember to send these updates in the body of an e-mail (no attachments, please) and put "waitlist update, your name" in the subject line," said Rose.

She informed that the school will not begin reviewing the waitlist again until the end of April. "While we cannot offer feedback to waitlist candidates (we just don't have the resources), I would encourage you to review your own application to see if there are areas that you would like to supplement. The choice of sending materials is completely up to you, but do use your judgment as to amount, frequency of contact, etc," advised Rose

"Deny after Interview: These are some of the hardest decisions that we have to make each year. Everyone we invite to interview is extremely talented -- that's a given. However, each year we have more great applicants that apply than we have room to admit. It's a pure supply and demand problem. If any of you are interested in reapplying in the future, we will be hosting re-application chats over the summer months. Stay tuned for more information", she said.

Link: Round 2 -- Waiting on the waitist

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