March 23, 2009

Tuck releases its January Round Decisions

Karen Marks, Tuck associate director of admissions informed on Tuck admissions blog released its January Round decisions on Friday. Karen said that this was an apt time to discuss the decisions that applicants have to make at this point. Some of the applicants might been accepted at multiple schools and may be weighing their options. Others may be in at just one school and might be assessing whether or not that school is a fit. Every aspirant might be wondering whether to wait a year and reapply or defer, and finances are likely to be a factor for many.

Karen added that if one has been admitted to Tuck and is wondering if this is the right school/ right time, then they would be happy to talk to applicant about their situation. She said,"As you probably know, we believe in transparency here and we will not be at all offended if you explain areas of concern. It makes sense to think critically about what we have to offer and whether or not Tuck is the best match for your needs - we wouldn't have admitted you unless we trusted your ability to make good, thoughtful decisions! We understand that many factors influence these decisions, including partner and family input. Please know that we are here as a resource for you, happy to have an honest discussion."

Karen further tried to help by saying that they can also help aspirants to connect with current students and alums, who can share a different perspective. Admitted Students Weekend is a terrific time to meet one's cohort and learn more about life at Tuck.

Link: Decisions

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